Hot Tubs Woodbury, Plymouth Dealer Shares Family Reunion Ideas

Friday, May 24th, 2019

“With graduations, weddings and other warm weather holidays coming, this time of year is normally packed with reunions,” says Randall Long, from Hot Spring Spas of Minneapolis. Adding a hot tub to the backyard is a great way to the control stress and chaos and make new memories that will last a lifetime.

Here are three ways to offer entertainment for the whole family in a hot tub:

Watch Favorite Family Movies in the Hot Tub


Most families have one or two movies they’ve traditionally watched together. Family reunions are the perfect time to play them, relive good memories, and make new ones. Stream video on your all-weather HD hot tub monitor. Make some popcorn or, if it’s cold, some hot cider or chocolate. Keep the water temperature kid-safe, dim the lights, and press play.

Host a Barbecue with Your Hot Tub
Even as the nights get crisper, an afternoon barbecue is a great way to bring together food and entertainment the whole family will love. Fire up the grill and offer hot dogs and hamburgers. Make the hot tub the centerpiece of the event. Watch the family team’s baseball or football game on the all-weather TV monitor. Make some popcorn and let the hot tub’s warm, bubbly water keep the whole family warm and relaxed through the game.

Entertain the Kids in a Hot Tub
Family reunions can be chaotic with kids home from school and nieces, nephews, and grandkids visiting from all over. Keep the fun under control with a contained kid-friendly event in the hot tub. Lower the hot tub’s water temperature, throw in some pool noodles, slip arm floaties on the littlest ones, turn on the fountain, and set the lighting to cycle through colors. Then, take turns supervising so the adults can have some adult time.

Consumers wanting to learn more about hot tubs are encouraged to pick up a copy of this free hot tub buyer’s guide, 7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub. Just call 651-731-9745 or visit the company website for more information at

Hot Spring Spas of Woodbury
650 Commerce Dr Suite 150
Woodbury, MN 55125
☎ 651-731-9745

Hot Spring Spas of Plymouth
14100 21st Ave N, Suite B
Plymouth, MN 55447
☎ 763-450-5310

The post Hot Tubs Woodbury, Plymouth Dealer Shares Family Reunion Ideas appeared first on Hot Spring Green.


Wednesday, May 8th, 2019

In a busy world, we don’t always think about our personal wellness as much as we should. In addition to work and family responsibilities, we often find ourselves bogged down in a blizzard of personal alerts and messages thanks to technology. It can be overwhelming and take a toll on our overall well-being.

While the words personal wellness may conjure images of exercise routines, salad plates, and cleanses, sometimes the best thing you can do to feel less pressured is nothing. When you unplug, unwind, and simply relax, you can free yourself from distraction, reduce anxiety, and calm your mind. After all, the mental aspect of wellness is every bit as important as the physical.

When you have a home hot tub, taking time every morning or evening to relax and to recharge your mind while relieving physical tension can help you welcome or end each day as a wonderful experience to be enjoyed—not as an obstacle course to be completed. Your hot tub can be your own private retreat in the evening, too—a warm, safe place in which you can enjoy a soothing jet massage, uncoil from life’s demands, and reflect on all that’s positive.

Improving your well-being and day-to-day outlook doesn’t have to be exerting. Here are a few tips for using your hot tub to improve your personal wellness.


Healthy daily habits can form a solid wellness foundation. When you make a hot tub soak a part of your daily routine, you can reap the therapeutic benefits of warm water immersion. In addition to helping you relax, the heat and buoyancy of spa water combined with a jet massage offers the following physical advantages:

  • Heat. Warm water dilates blood vessels, improving blood flow and allowing oxygen and nutrients to quickly reach your muscles. This replenishment is especially crucial after a hard workout.
  • Buoyancy. Floating in the warm water of your spa takes the weight off your tired muscles and joints, allowing you to experience relief from the normal force of gravity.
  • Massage. The water pressure of a jet massage kneads major muscle groups and helps to reduce swelling and compress muscles to relieve fatigue.

Taking even small steps to improve well-being, including a brief hot tub soak on a regular basis, can help alleviate some physical discomfort, relieve anxiety, and prevent stress from building up, which can have negative effects on your emotional health. So, daily relief can act as anxiety inoculation and help you begin or end each day with a fresh state of mind.


Technology sure does make our lives easier, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the devices we own benefit our overall well-being. As a communication device, your smartphone is your connection to work, family, and friends. Yet, inasmuch as you rely on it to simplify your life, it demands your attention. If you’ve ever gone out and accidentally left your phone at home, you’ve probably felt its tug. Perhaps you even returned home to retrieve it. When overused, technology can be associated with health problems.

To prevent your smartphone from getting in the way of good health, leave it in the house when you soak. Or turn it on Do Not Disturb and use it only for streaming music through a Bluetooth® audio system. The separation from texts, calls, and social media will allow you to focus on relaxation as the hot water soothes your body and mind and the massage jets work to release tension. A little time away from your phone and other devices can have a positive effect on your outlook and personal wellness.

Listening to music in your hot tub can foster a state of relaxation.


If you live in the city, you have to contend with more noise than those who live in the suburbs. The peace and quiet you rely on after a long, stressful day might be interrupted often by the din of street conversation, heavy traffic and trucks rumbling by, or even jets flying overhead. Unwelcome noise can add to feelings of anxiety. But even urban dwellers can find tranquility in a hot tub.

When you turn on your spa’s massaging jets to help reduce pain and work out the tension in your calves, thighs, lower back, and shoulders, you also activate an effective white noise generator. The result cancels out irritating city noises that could otherwise disrupt your quiet time. It better complements the more peaceful sounds of nature around you.

Alternatively, many hot tub manufacturers offer a variety of entertainment system options. Hot Spring® spa optional accessories include a wireless Bluetooth® audio system and a 22” HD monitor. You can listen to your favorite podcasts and playlists in your spa or catch up on a TV series as you relax.

Using your hot tub before bed can help you ease into a good night’s sleep.


After a long day, nothing’s more satisfying than a good night’s sleep. But not everyone sleeps well. Seventy percent of adults in the United States report not getting the rest they need. If you’re kept awake by worries or aches and pains, you likely crave a way to help you sleep better.  

A home hot tub can help. A short soak about an hour before bed can help relax your body and prepare your mind for a satisfying sleep. As you soak in the warm water of your spa, your body temperature rises. When you get out of the spa, your body temperature drops, signaling the brain that it’s time for sleep.

Improving personal wellness by making a hot tub a part of your daily routine is a simple way to reduce stress and feel good physically and mentally. By using your spa regularly, you’ll reap all of the benefits of a hot tub lifestyle and experience greater feelings of contentment.

The post PERSONAL WELLNESS TIPS: HOME HOT TUB EDITION appeared first on Hot Spring Green.


Wednesday, May 8th, 2019

In a busy world, we don’t always think about our personal wellness as much as we should. In addition to work and family responsibilities, we often find ourselves bogged down in a blizzard of personal alerts and messages thanks to technology. It can be overwhelming and take a toll on our overall well-being.

While the words personal wellness may conjure images of exercise routines, salad plates, and cleanses, sometimes the best thing you can do to feel less pressured is nothing. When you unplug, unwind, and simply relax, you can free yourself from distraction, reduce anxiety, and calm your mind. After all, the mental aspect of wellness is every bit as important as the physical.

When you have a home hot tub, taking time every morning or evening to relax and to recharge your mind while relieving physical tension can help you welcome or end each day as a wonderful experience to be enjoyed—not as an obstacle course to be completed. Your hot tub can be your own private retreat in the evening, too—a warm, safe place in which you can enjoy a soothing jet massage, uncoil from life’s demands, and reflect on all that’s positive.

Improving your well-being and day-to-day outlook doesn’t have to be exerting. Here are a few tips for using your hot tub to improve your personal wellness.


Healthy daily habits can form a solid wellness foundation. When you make a hot tub soak a part of your daily routine, you can reap the therapeutic benefits of warm water immersion. In addition to helping you relax, the heat and buoyancy of spa water combined with a jet massage offers the following physical advantages:

  • Heat. Warm water dilates blood vessels, improving blood flow and allowing oxygen and nutrients to quickly reach your muscles. This replenishment is especially crucial after a hard workout.
  • Buoyancy. Floating in the warm water of your spa takes the weight off your tired muscles and joints, allowing you to experience relief from the normal force of gravity.
  • Massage. The water pressure of a jet massage kneads major muscle groups and helps to reduce swelling and compress muscles to relieve fatigue.

Taking even small steps to improve well-being, including a brief hot tub soak on a regular basis, can help alleviate some physical discomfort, relieve anxiety, and prevent stress from building up, which can have negative effects on your emotional health. So, daily relief can act as anxiety inoculation and help you begin or end each day with a fresh state of mind.


Technology sure does make our lives easier, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the devices we own benefit our overall well-being. As a communication device, your smartphone is your connection to work, family, and friends. Yet, inasmuch as you rely on it to simplify your life, it demands your attention. If you’ve ever gone out and accidentally left your phone at home, you’ve probably felt its tug. Perhaps you even returned home to retrieve it. When overused, technology can be associated with health problems.

To prevent your smartphone from getting in the way of good health, leave it in the house when you soak. Or turn it on Do Not Disturb and use it only for streaming music through a Bluetooth® audio system. The separation from texts, calls, and social media will allow you to focus on relaxation as the hot water soothes your body and mind and the massage jets work to release tension. A little time away from your phone and other devices can have a positive effect on your outlook and personal wellness.

Listening to music in your hot tub can foster a state of relaxation.


If you live in the city, you have to contend with more noise than those who live in the suburbs. The peace and quiet you rely on after a long, stressful day might be interrupted often by the din of street conversation, heavy traffic and trucks rumbling by, or even jets flying overhead. Unwelcome noise can add to feelings of anxiety. But even urban dwellers can find tranquility in a hot tub.

When you turn on your spa’s massaging jets to help reduce pain and work out the tension in your calves, thighs, lower back, and shoulders, you also activate an effective white noise generator. The result cancels out irritating city noises that could otherwise disrupt your quiet time. It better complements the more peaceful sounds of nature around you.

Alternatively, many hot tub manufacturers offer a variety of entertainment system options. Hot Spring® spa optional accessories include a wireless Bluetooth® audio system and a 22” HD monitor. You can listen to your favorite podcasts and playlists in your spa or catch up on a TV series as you relax.

Using your hot tub before bed can help you ease into a good night’s sleep.


After a long day, nothing’s more satisfying than a good night’s sleep. But not everyone sleeps well. Seventy percent of adults in the United States report not getting the rest they need. If you’re kept awake by worries or aches and pains, you likely crave a way to help you sleep better.  

A home hot tub can help. A short soak about an hour before bed can help relax your body and prepare your mind for a satisfying sleep. As you soak in the warm water of your spa, your body temperature rises. When you get out of the spa, your body temperature drops, signaling the brain that it’s time for sleep.

Improving personal wellness by making a hot tub a part of your daily routine is a simple way to reduce stress and feel good physically and mentally. By using your spa regularly, you’ll reap all of the benefits of a hot tub lifestyle and experience greater feelings of contentment.

The post PERSONAL WELLNESS TIPS: HOME HOT TUB EDITION appeared first on Hot Spring Green.

Benefits of Soaking in a Salt Water Spa – Salt Water Hot Tubs Des Moines

Wednesday, May 1st, 2019

Have you heard about the amazing benefits of using a saltwater spa? Beyond easing aches and pains (which is important!) soaking in salt water has some unexpected advantages. Ready to learn more?

Here are three of the best, and truly unexpected benefits from soaking in a salt water hot tub.


Reduce Inflammation Naturally – Anyone with joint and muscle pain can tell you first hand how amazing it feels to stretch out a sore body in a hot tub. Massaging jets target pain immediately, for instant relief. But here’s why salt makes the experience even better: salt plays a big role in maintaining the natural balance of fluids in the body. Magnesium and sulphate do the real work, but the result is incredible—relaxed muscles, decreased inflammation and less pain.

Nourish and Protect the Skin – Soaking for extended time in a hot tub feels extraordinary, but can sometimes do a number on your skin. Not in a salt water tub! Salt has a soothing effect on the skin, meaning you can soak without worrying about drying out your skin from chemicals, or irritating your eyes. In fact, spa enthusiasts say their skin feels softer and smoother and looks more youthful with regular use of salt water hot tub.

Easy Maintenance – The biggest benefit to soaking in a salt water spa is knowing you’re spending more time using your investment than caring for it! Salt water spas generate chlorine and sanitizer naturally thorough electrolysis. That means that while you still need to use some over the counter products to ensure a safe, clean spa, you can rely on salt to do most of the work. Reputable spa manufacturers offer a variety of products for salt water spas that make the entire maintenance process automated, safe and virtually hands-free.

So Go Ahead, Take a Soak, You Deserve it!
It’s, fast, fun and relaxing. Not only that, it’s good for the body, soothes the mind and can improve your overall health and well-being.

To encourage local residents to check out the benefits of using a hot tub to help improve their overall health and well-being, Hot Spring Spas is providing free test soaks at all our showrooms. We do recommend, however, that people wanting to schedule their free 30-minute soak call us ahead of time to reserve their spot.

To learn more about the benefits of owning a hot tub, pick up a copy of our free hot tub buyer’s guide, 7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub.
Go to our website or just give us a call at ☎ 515-270-8702.

Hot Spring Spas of Des Moines Iowa
10860 Hickman Rd
Clive, IA 50325

Hot Spring Spas of Carroll Iowa
18134 Highway 71
Carroll, IA 51401

Hot Spring Spas of Arnolds Park
244 Okoboji Grove Rd N
Arnolds Park, IA 51360

The post Benefits of Soaking in a Salt Water Spa – Salt Water Hot Tubs Des Moines appeared first on Hot Spring Green.

Benefits of Soaking in a Salt Water Spa – Salt Water Hot Tubs Des Moines

Wednesday, May 1st, 2019

Have you heard about the amazing benefits of using a saltwater spa? Beyond easing aches and pains (which is important!) soaking in salt water has some unexpected advantages. Ready to learn more?

Here are three of the best, and truly unexpected benefits from soaking in a salt water hot tub.


Reduce Inflammation Naturally – Anyone with joint and muscle pain can tell you first hand how amazing it feels to stretch out a sore body in a hot tub. Massaging jets target pain immediately, for instant relief. But here’s why salt makes the experience even better: salt plays a big role in maintaining the natural balance of fluids in the body. Magnesium and sulphate do the real work, but the result is incredible—relaxed muscles, decreased inflammation and less pain.

Nourish and Protect the Skin – Soaking for extended time in a hot tub feels extraordinary, but can sometimes do a number on your skin. Not in a salt water tub! Salt has a soothing effect on the skin, meaning you can soak without worrying about drying out your skin from chemicals, or irritating your eyes. In fact, spa enthusiasts say their skin feels softer and smoother and looks more youthful with regular use of salt water hot tub.

Easy Maintenance – The biggest benefit to soaking in a salt water spa is knowing you’re spending more time using your investment than caring for it! Salt water spas generate chlorine and sanitizer naturally thorough electrolysis. That means that while you still need to use some over the counter products to ensure a safe, clean spa, you can rely on salt to do most of the work. Reputable spa manufacturers offer a variety of products for salt water spas that make the entire maintenance process automated, safe and virtually hands-free.

So Go Ahead, Take a Soak, You Deserve it!
It’s, fast, fun and relaxing. Not only that, it’s good for the body, soothes the mind and can improve your overall health and well-being.

To encourage local residents to check out the benefits of using a hot tub to help improve their overall health and well-being, Hot Spring Spas is providing free test soaks at all our showrooms. We do recommend, however, that people wanting to schedule their free 30-minute soak call us ahead of time to reserve their spot.

To learn more about the benefits of owning a hot tub, pick up a copy of our free hot tub buyer’s guide, 7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub.
Go to our website or just give us a call at ☎ 515-270-8702.

Hot Spring Spas of Des Moines Iowa
10860 Hickman Rd
Clive, IA 50325

Hot Spring Spas of Carroll Iowa
18134 Highway 71
Carroll, IA 51401

Hot Spring Spas of Arnolds Park
244 Okoboji Grove Rd N
Arnolds Park, IA 51360

The post Benefits of Soaking in a Salt Water Spa – Salt Water Hot Tubs Des Moines appeared first on Hot Spring Green.

Use a Lap Pool to Reach Your Fitness Goals – Swim Spas Des Moines

Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

Regular exercise and strength training is a proven way to look and feel your best. But getting to the gym isn’t always easy, and that means missed workouts, muscle loss and maybe even weight gain. Luckily, there’s a smart, exciting way to break the cycle. Imagine having your very own aquatic fitness gym at home. Really!

Here’s how to use a swim spa to reach and maintain your fitness goals.


Swimming and Aquatic Exercise – Cardiovascular activity elevates the heart and is a safe way to keep excess weight in check. Add water to an aerobic routine and you benefit from increased heart rate, muscle toning and more. With a built-in, non-stop current, the swim spa offers a variety of options for aquatic exercise, from swimming to stretching to light aerobics right from the comforts of home. Add resistance cords and turn a pleasant swim into a full body workout instantly.

On-demand Access Means You’ll Workout More – Optimized health and fitness is a long-term commitment. And while most of us mean well, it’s tough to stick to any routine when it involves traveling to the gym or joining a class. With a swim spa at home, you have on-demand access to one of the best pieces of equipment for lifelong fitness. Swim a couple of laps in the morning to rejuvenate the body or take a dip in the evenings to wind down before bed. Anytime access to your own aquatic gym means you’re more likely to workout on a regular basis for long term, sustained fitness.

Relax, Recuperate and Refresh – The best swim spas offer continuous lap swimming in one end, and a hot tub spa at the other. Powerful hot tub jets work out tension, relieving muscle aches and pains instantly while warm water revitalizes a tired body. A swim spa at home provides a convenient space to relax—just the thing for recuperating after a tough workout, and keeping body and mind fresh and ready for more.

So Go Ahead, Take a Swim, You Deserve it! – It’s, fast, fun and relaxing. Not only that, it’s good for the body, soothes the mind and can improve your overall health and well-being.

To encourage local residents to check out the benefits of using a swim spa to help improve their overall health and well-being, Hot Spring Spas is providing free swim spa test soaks at all their showrooms. We do recommend, however, that people wanting to schedule their free 30-minute soak call us ahead of time to reserve their spot.

To learn more about the benefits of owning a swim spa, pick up a copy of our free buyer’s guide… Secrets to Swim Spa Buying Success. Just give us a call at ☎ 515-270-8702
or visit

Hot Spring Spas of Des Moines Iowa
10860 Hickman Rd
Clive, IA 50325

Hot Spring Spas of Carroll Iowa
18134 Highway 71
Carroll, IA 51401

Hot Spring Spas of Arnolds Park
244 Okoboji Grove Rd N
Arnolds Park, IA 51360

The post Use a Lap Pool to Reach Your Fitness Goals – Swim Spas Des Moines appeared first on Hot Spring Green.

Salt Water Hot Tubs Dealer Des Moines, Participates in Stress Awareness Month

Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

“At times, stress at home can be overwhelming. Whether it’s an argument with a spouse, dealing with young children and teens, or piles of bills that never seem to stop, it can feel like there’s nothing we can do about it,” says Sean Schaben, Co-Owner of Hot Spring Spas of Des Moines. At the same time thought, stress at home is a lot easier to cope with than the random stress in the outside world though.

Here are three ways to reduce stress at home.


Talk Don’t Explain – When there are situations at home making blood pressures rise, don’t be tempted to explain it away or make excuses for it. Instead, talk to significant others or sit children down and talk with them about difficulties.

Simply accepting a situation for what it is allows the stress to continue and it is likely that everyone in the home is feeling the strain. If financial worries or job stress is creating tensions, often just talking about the problems with loved ones can ease the strain or help reduce the burden.

Write It Down – Keeping a journal may seem like child’s play but writing our feelings can have a big impact on how we deal with the stress in our lives. It is a lot like talking about the problems with an old friend, without anyone else present to make judgments.

Just the act of writing out the issues we face daily can also help reduce their significance. Too often we let things build up until they seem like huge problems when they’re really not that bad. Seeing it in writing and letting out the anxiety is a good way to reduce stress levels.

Take a Soothing Hot Tub Soak – Hot tubs fit great in any home. Unlike a full-sized pool, they won’t take up the entire yard and they remain at the perfect temperature at any time of the year.

Portable spas have a great advantage over a regular bath in that the temperature won’t fluctuate, and the jets provide soothing relief to sore muscles and tired minds. Plus, friends and family will love soaking in it as well, and when it is time for a difficult conversation about stress at home, a hot tub provides a relaxing atmosphere to hold a calm discussion that makes everyone feel better.

Add a stereo system or television to the hot tub and it is a great all-around stress reducer where everyone in the family can soothe their tired nerves at the end of a long day with comforting water, soft music or their favorite shows.

Consumers wanting to learn more about hot tubs and how they can help improve overall health and well-being are encouraged to pick up a copy of this free hot tub buyer’s guide, 7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub. Just call 515-270-8702 or visit the company website for more information at

Hot Spring Spas of Des Moines Iowa
10860 Hickman Rd
Clive, IA 50325
☎ 515-270-8702

Hot Spring Spas of Carroll Iowa
18134 Highway 71
Carroll, IA 51401
☎ 712-792-3376

Hot Spring Spas of Arnolds Park
244 Okoboji Grove Rd N
Arnolds Park, IA 51360
☎ 712-332-7928

The post Salt Water Hot Tubs Dealer Des Moines, Participates in Stress Awareness Month appeared first on Hot Spring Green.

3 Ways a Salt Water Spa is Great for Your Body – Salt Water Hot Tubs Minneapolis

Thursday, March 28th, 2019

Most people are familiar with the benefits of soaking in the hot tub – but if you haven’t heard about the unique advantages of salt water hot tubs, get ready to be impressed.

Here are three ways a salt water spa is great for your body.

Reduce Swelling Naturally
Swollen limbs and inflammation can create many problems. Luckily, soaking in salt water is a great way to banish swelling in a natural, safe way. Heat of a salt water hot tub not only relaxes and soothes, but it also opens the pores, allowing the salt to release excess fluid.

Soak Your Way to Silky Smooth Skin
Another great benefit of the salt water hot tub is the impact of twenty minutes of warm, salty water on the skin. With less irritating chemicals, a salt water hot tub leaves the skin refreshed and rejuvenated, while staying silky and smooth.

Ease Aches, Pains, Tension and Stress
Twenty minutes in a salt water hot tub is enough to feel relief. Let the massaging jets work out tension, while salt helps to relieve pain, increase flexibility and flush out toxins. Make a regular soak in a salt water spa part of
your daily routine and experience long lasting, meaningful relief.

So Go Ahead, Take a Soak, You Deserve it!
It’s, fast, fun and relaxing. Not only that, it’s good for the body, soothes the mind and can improve your overall health and well-being.

To encourage local residents to check out the benefits of using a hot tub to help improve their overall health and well-being, Hot Spring Spas is providing free test soaks at all our showrooms. We do recommend, however, that people wanting to schedule their free 30-minute soak call us ahead of time to reserve their spot.

To learn more about the benefits of owning a hot tub, pick up a copy of our free hot tub buyer’s guide, 7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub. Go to our website or just give us a call at ☎ 651-731-9745

Hot Spring Spas of Woodbury
650 Commerce Dr Suite 150
Woodbury, MN 55125
☎ 651-731-9745

Hot Spring Spas of Plymouth
14100 21st Ave N, Suite B
Plymouth, MN 55447
☎ 763-450-5310

Salt Water Hot Tubs Minneapolis, Salt Water Spas Minneapolis

The post 3 Ways a Salt Water Spa is Great for Your Body – Salt Water Hot Tubs Minneapolis appeared first on Hot Spring Green.

Salt Water Hot Tubs Minneapolis, Spa Dealer Participates in National Optimism Month

Thursday, March 28th, 2019

Salt Water Hot Tubs Dealer in Minneapolis Shares 3 Tools for Creating an Optimistic Attitude. Offers Free Hot Tub and Swim Spa Test Soaks to Local Residents

“Having an optimistic attitude isn’t about expecting life to suddenly be wonderful with no troubles, and where everything goes the way people want it to,” says Randall Long, from Hot Spring Spas of Minneapolis. “It’s about learning how to find the best in every situation and having a healthy outlook on life no matter what happens along the way.”

Here are three tools for creating an optimistic attitude that people can use during National Optimism Month, and every day after throughout life.

Add a Hot Tub Create a Home that is Optimistic – The more people surround themselves with ways to be optimistic, the easier it is to realize that desire. Creating a home that is pleasant, soothing and relaxing is a great start. Make sure everyone in the home understands that this is a place of peace and relaxation. Stress needs to be worked out in a positive manner.

Adding a portable spa to the outdoor entertainment area is a great start to creating a place that makes it easy to be relaxed and happy. The soothing water of a hot tub works out stress, tension and anxiety in a positive manner, while also giving the mind a luxurious place to be at peace.

Hot tubs have built in temperature control to make it easy to be comfortable at the perfect temperature for as long as needed without getting frustrated with adding or removing water from a tub. They are naturally great places for family and friends to get together and enjoy each other’s company in a soothing and enjoyable environment as well and allows people to talk about all of the issues of the day, or on-going issues in a stress-free environment.

Fake it ‘Til You Make It – At first, for people who are used to being pessimistic, the act of being positive, saying positive things, or reacting in an optimistic manner may not feel natural. It is okay. People need to allow themselves to feel uncomfortable at first, and even skeptical, but not to stop trying. If it doesn’t ring true at first, keep saying it and doing it regardless.

If “seeing is believing” then seeing the positive ways being optimistic makes people feel or outcomes change, will help the act of optimism be more and more natural each time.

Re-Think the Way Events or Situations are Seen – Failures aren’t failures, they are attempts that were made and learning opportunities. Ups and downs, bad days or challenges are just events that occur all the time and won’t change the good in life or the chance of success in the future.

Consumers wanting to learn more about hot tubs and how they can help improve overall health and well-being are encouraged to pick up a copy of this free hot tub buyer’s guide, 7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub. Just call 515-270-8702 or visit the company website for more information at

About Us
Hot Spring Spas of Minneapolis and Des Moines offers a large selection of new and used hot tubs, swim spas and saunas for sale. They are the area’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Endless Pools, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system.

Consumers wanting to learn more about hot tubs and how they can help improve overall health and well-being are encouraged to pick up a copy of this free hot tub buyer’s guide, 7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub. Just call 763-450-5310 or visit the company website for more information

Hot Spring Spas of Woodbury
650 Commerce Dr Suite 150
Woodbury, MN 55125
☎ 651-731-9745

Hot Spring Spas of Plymouth
14100 21st Ave N, Suite B
Plymouth, MN 55447
☎ 763-450-5310

Salt Water Hot Tubs Minneapolis, Salt Water Spa Dealer Minneapolis, Salt Water Hot Tubs Dealer Minneapolis

The post Salt Water Hot Tubs Minneapolis, Spa Dealer Participates in National Optimism Month appeared first on Hot Spring Green.

Salt Water Hot Tubs Minneapolis, Spa Dealer Participates in National Optimism Month

Thursday, March 28th, 2019

Salt Water Hot Tubs Dealer in Minneapolis Shares 3 Tools for Creating an Optimistic Attitude. Offers Free Hot Tub and Swim Spa Test Soaks to Local Residents

“Having an optimistic attitude isn’t about expecting life to suddenly be wonderful with no troubles, and where everything goes the way people want it to,” says Randall Long, from Hot Spring Spas of Minneapolis. “It’s about learning how to find the best in every situation and having a healthy outlook on life no matter what happens along the way.”

Here are three tools for creating an optimistic attitude that people can use during National Optimism Month, and every day after throughout life.

Add a Hot Tub Create a Home that is Optimistic – The more people surround themselves with ways to be optimistic, the easier it is to realize that desire. Creating a home that is pleasant, soothing and relaxing is a great start. Make sure everyone in the home understands that this is a place of peace and relaxation. Stress needs to be worked out in a positive manner.

Adding a portable spa to the outdoor entertainment area is a great start to creating a place that makes it easy to be relaxed and happy. The soothing water of a hot tub works out stress, tension and anxiety in a positive manner, while also giving the mind a luxurious place to be at peace.

Hot tubs have built in temperature control to make it easy to be comfortable at the perfect temperature for as long as needed without getting frustrated with adding or removing water from a tub. They are naturally great places for family and friends to get together and enjoy each other’s company in a soothing and enjoyable environment as well and allows people to talk about all of the issues of the day, or on-going issues in a stress-free environment.

Fake it ‘Til You Make It – At first, for people who are used to being pessimistic, the act of being positive, saying positive things, or reacting in an optimistic manner may not feel natural. It is okay. People need to allow themselves to feel uncomfortable at first, and even skeptical, but not to stop trying. If it doesn’t ring true at first, keep saying it and doing it regardless.

If “seeing is believing” then seeing the positive ways being optimistic makes people feel or outcomes change, will help the act of optimism be more and more natural each time.

Re-Think the Way Events or Situations are Seen – Failures aren’t failures, they are attempts that were made and learning opportunities. Ups and downs, bad days or challenges are just events that occur all the time and won’t change the good in life or the chance of success in the future.

Consumers wanting to learn more about hot tubs and how they can help improve overall health and well-being are encouraged to pick up a copy of this free hot tub buyer’s guide, 7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub. Just call 515-270-8702 or visit the company website for more information at

About Us
Hot Spring Spas of Minneapolis and Des Moines offers a large selection of new and used hot tubs, swim spas and saunas for sale. They are the area’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Endless Pools, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system.

Consumers wanting to learn more about hot tubs and how they can help improve overall health and well-being are encouraged to pick up a copy of this free hot tub buyer’s guide, 7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub. Just call 763-450-5310 or visit the company website for more information

Hot Spring Spas of Woodbury
650 Commerce Dr Suite 150
Woodbury, MN 55125
☎ 651-731-9745

Hot Spring Spas of Plymouth
14100 21st Ave N, Suite B
Plymouth, MN 55447
☎ 763-450-5310

Salt Water Hot Tubs Minneapolis, Salt Water Spa Dealer Minneapolis, Salt Water Hot Tubs Dealer Minneapolis

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